I had an issue with Simian, Windows 10, and my mixers. My mixer (fader) settings were not staying put. When the computer did anything, the settings would change. I understood that they were not saving to any kind of registry entry. Of course, I ran the gamut, UAC turned off on-board audio card disabled program and hardware settings in Simian were done correctly rebooted AudioScience sound card checked
I was given the suggestion of going into the MSCONFIG and making sure the machine was doing a standard startup. To do that push the Windows Logo key and R at the same time
This will open the RUN box, type ‘msconfig’ and hit enter. The machine should be running with Normal Startup and not Selective.
From there, I assumed that there was some file corruption somewhere, ya know… Windows. Follow these steps to help find and repair corrupted files.
Run a system file check (SFC):
When I did this, I received an error about integrity errors. You might see that there are corrupted files. The program either found them and repaired them, or found them and couldn’t. The next step is to run DISM to fix file errors. Microsoft does recommend “If you are on win 8 (and up) you should also run DISM whether SFC found errors or not!!”
So BSI says Simian runs on Win 10 fine, in fact, a new client had their system built through BSI and it is Win 10. I have it work stable, with some tweaking. Getting rid of all the fanciness is a big deal. I ALWAYS follow this checklist http://www.bsiusa.com/support/ticket/kb/faq.php?id=48. It has removed all the uncertainty of Windows.
So if you are having specific problems with Simian and Win 10, AFTER following the checklist, then it is worth delving a little deeper. You can contact me at [email protected].
Another frequent issue is Win 10 is the Simian autostart. Win 10 is much more strict about which programs can read and write to the registry (where the variables for programs are kept). Hence, Simian needs to always run with Administrator privileges and not be running in compatibility mode. Follow the steps below, from BSI, to resolve the issue.
There is a different Windows startup registry key we can add the administrator privileged Simian application to to have it start when Windows starts. Simply download the following file, extract the .reg file within, and double-click the extracted .reg file to apply the registry update. Simian will now load when Windows 10 starts.
www.bsiusa.com/support/FAQ/Win10Startup/Simian Startup on Windows 10.zip
Why does Simian randomly crash for seemingly no reason?Unfortunately, without looking at the machine, I will not be able to give you an accurate assessment or solution. Some things to look at:
If you are still having issues, please contact me at [email protected]
I understand that some people do not use the Legacy Audio Driver, which is fine, but I can tell you, it’s been the easiest way to setup the sound card. If you are running a 32bit system, you need this driver.
I highly encourage you to setup up your Play Decks on separate Play #s. This gives your decks a chance to alternate without causing issues.
To assign which audio devices Simian uses, go to the Tools>Hardware Options (although, I do not suggest checking Segue. You can try it, but if you see any deck issues, uncheck it.
Audio Science Mixer Application
Play 1, 2, 3 and 4 are displayed as 1 Wave Out, 2 Wave Out, 3 Wave Out and 4 Wave Out in Simian.
The image below shows two soundcards, that is a whole other process. Pull your Player 1-4 up on Line_Out 1
Each player can be routed to each physical output (Line Out 1 or 2). Furthermore, Line Ins can be routed to Line Outs. To raise or lower each Line In or Player for the Line Out, simply drag the slider to the left or right. To turn the level all the way down or bring it back to zero, click the “Fade” button. To adjust overall volume, raise or lower the Line Out levels.
[Simian Mixer Panel]
Simian can control any of the Audio Science Mixer controls through the Macro commands, or using the on-screen mixers.
Under each of the Mixers in Simian’s Mixer panel is a button that will bring up the Mixer Setup. Start off by typing in a friendly name for the Simian Mixer.
Now select which Audio Card Mixer you wish to control, the ASI cards will have a familiar legend, so it’s easy to see which card you are selecting.
Then chose which Lines of the Mixer you wish to control; in this case, we’ve selected the Line Out 1 /Line In 1 (this is the pass-though audio Line In 1 going out of Line Out 1 in ASI Control). The fader option under Faders: will be limited at this point, we want to control the Line Out 1 / Line In 1/ Volume (the Volume of Line In 1 that is going out of Line Out 1 in ASI control.) Hit the plus button to make this active and then hit “OK”.
If you do not have the “ASIxxxx Mixer” option, then you will need to install or reinstall the ASI Combo driver and check the box to “include Legacy 32-bit WAVE driver” during the installation options process.
The New Audio Engine is for 64 bit machines, you still need to install the Legacy Audio driver.
To assign which audio devices Simian uses, go to the Tools>Hardware Options to bring up the screen shown below:
The ASI cards are easily identified by their model number, followed by ‘01 WDM Out’, ‘02 WDM Out’, ‘03 WDM Out’, ‘04 WDM Out’ etc.
The Main Deck Assignments are decks 1, 2 and 3, you’ll need to scroll through the list to select the correct devices. The Async Deck is also known as Simian’s Deck 4, this normally hidden deck is where Hot Keys and Triggers are played. *Again, with the Segue, use it if you want, if there are issues, uncheck it*
[Audio Science Mixer Application]
Play 1, 2, 3 and 4 are displayed as 01 WDM Out, 02 WDM Out, 03 WDM Out and 04 WDM Out in Simian. Each player can be routed to each physical output (Line Out 1, 2 or more depending on your card model). Furthermore, Line Ins can be routed to Line Outs. To raise or lower each Line In or Player for the Line Out, simply drag the slider to the left or right. To turn the level all the way down or bring it back to zero, click the “Fade” button. To adjust overall volume, raise or lower the Line Out levels.
[Simian Mixer Panel]
Simian can control any of the Audio Science Mixer controls through the Macro commands, or using the on-screen mixers. Under each of the Mixers in Simian’s Mixer panel is a button that will bring up the Mixer Setup. Start off by typing in a friendly name for the Simian Mixer.
Now select which Audio Card Mixer you wish to control, the ASI cards will have a familiar legend, so it’s easy to see which card you are selecting.
Note – If you do not have the “ASIxxxx Mixer” option, then you will need to uninstall the current driver, reboot the computer, then re-install the ASI Combo driver and check the box to “include Legacy 32-bit WAVE driver” (DO NOT select to install the IP network driver) during the installation options process.
Simian doesn’t start with WindowsWin 10 is much more strict about which programs can read and write to the registry (where the variables for programs are kept). Hence, Simian needs to always run with Administrator privileges and not be running in compatibility mode. Follow the steps below, from BSI, to resolve the issue.
There is a different Windows startup registry key we can add the administrator privileged Simian application to to have it start when Windows starts. Simply download the following file, extract the .reg file within, and double-click the extracted .reg file to apply the registry update. Simian will now load when Windows 10 starts.
www.bsiusa.com/support/FAQ/Win10Startup/Simian Startup on Windows 10.zip
Red errors in your log can come from a few different sources.
.mp3 – Constant Bit Rate (CBR), 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo or mono, and a common kbps (128, 192, 256, or 320)
Supported file formats with unsupported encoding settings that can cause playback issues. Convert any files with these encoded settings to the supported encoding settings listed above.
– ADPCM or any other .wav that is not linear PCM or Microsoft PCM. ADPCM, though previously supported and recommended in Wavestation, is a 4-bit file that has playback issues on Windows 7 and later operating systems..mp3
– Variable Bit Rate (VBR). Variable bit rates will have inaccurate reported lengths in BSI applications.The following audio formats are not supported or available for playback in Simian:
.wmaThis is a new fun problem. Here is the solution provided by LogMeIn
Click the Windows key>using search type in “regedit”.
The settings are listed in the registry under
Look for SndAutoStart, modify it to be “0” (zero).
If the entry doesn’t exist, it will need to be manually created.
Right click in white space>New>DWORD>SndAutoStart > set to 0 to disable
More often than not, the Simian faders have reset themselves. In Simian, click on the “EWTN” mixer (for example). Double check the fader settings.
If you have just installed the soundcard, you may not have installed the Legacy 32 bit driver. This is a check box during the driver installation process. You can tell if you have installed the Legacy driver if you see the ASIXXXX Mixer option in the fader settings:
If you are still seeing deleted audio in Event Builder, there is more than likely a database issue. The major culprit of this problem is the audio.mdb. Close Simian, navigate to the C:/BSI32 folder, delete the audio.mdb, reopen Simian. This should fix that issue.
I don’t like chaining my logs, period. I don’t trust it, and I don’t like worrying if it worked or not. This is a personal “problem”, I get it, but I have my reasons. They have failed me too many times to trust them again. I prefer to have my logs change in the Scheduled Events at 00:01 every day. If you want to know why, just ask.
First, go to the Async menu and choose Show Scheduled Events.
Open Event Builder either by clicking on the Event Builder icon at the top of the Scheduled Events window, or by going to the Tools menu in the main Simian window and choosing Event Builder.
Once in the Event Builder, go to the Macro tab and choose ”CHAIN” from the Macro name dropdown list.
Click your mouse cursor into the Macro name dropdown. Move the cursor to the end of the word “CHAIN”, add a space, and then add the name of your program log. The CHAIN macro has the ability to use meta variables to represent the file name. This means that it can dynamically find your program log based on the current day or date using the following codes:
%W [the first three letters of the day, Ex: Mon, Tue] %M [two digits representing the month] %D [two digits representing the day] %Y [two digits representing the year] %Z [four digits representing the year] %X [“WKD” on weekdays, “SAT” on Saturdays, and “SUN” on Sundays]
Therefore, if your program logs are named with the date that log is going to air (for example, 070416.bsi is the name of your log that will air on July 4th, 2016), your CHAIN macro should be entered as shown (there are other meta variables that can be added to this macro, but this is the minimum configuration needed to load your log).
Now you are ready to add your CHAIN macro to your Scheduled Events.
Click and drag from the Drag From Here icon and drop it onto the Scheduled Events window
To set the days, highlight the CHAIN event added to the Scheduled Events window in the last step. Click on the Set Event Schedule icon at the top of the Scheduled Events window. In most cases you will want to CHAIN your logs every day, so click on the Every Day button, then click OK.
To set the time the event will occur, click on the Set Event Time icon at the top of the Scheduled Events window. The CHAIN macro should be set to 23:59:50 under most circumstances. Because the meta variables always reference tomorrow’s date, running the CHAIN macro before midnight will load up the next day’s log to be ready to play at the top of the hour. After setting the time, click on the Set button.
CHAINs not working is not uncommon. The following are BSI suggestions and fixes.
Scenario 1:
The CHAIN macro will reload the previously aired log if it fails to find the next day’s log. There will be a flashing red & white message stating the CHAIN macro failed to find the log. If the next day’s log isn’t created, if the name of the program log doesn’t match the formatting of the CHAIN macro, or if a second instance of Simian in production mode is left open on the same computer overnight when the CHAIN macro is scheduled to run can all lead to this issue. If the optional “NORELOAD” parameter is set in the CHAIN macro, the flashing red & white error message will be on but the previously loaded log will not start over.
Scenario 2:
If the CHAIN macro doesn’t run, there will be no flashing red & white message and Simian will be stopped at the bottom of the log that previously aired. Make sure that “Time Events are ON” at the bottom of Simian. If the status is “Time Events are OFF”, click on that status to toggle back to on. Go in to Async > Scheduled Events and make sure that the current and start up selections at the bottom are set to the scheduled event that contains the CHAIN macro. Open the scheduled event and verify that the day’s of the week are set for the CHAIN macro.
If the file is in fact in Event Build, look at the bit rate information. In Event Build right click on the audio piece, select Edit Info. Look at the bit rate information.
Here is a list of the support file format encoding settings:
Below is a list of unsupported formats, and they will need to be converted
The following audio formats are not supported or available for playback in Simian: